Picking someone up

  • Car parks P1, P2 or P3
  • Park your car in the correct place
  • A warm welcome in the Arrivals Hall

Convenient parking options: P1, P2, and P3

Picking someone up? Car parks P1, P2 and P3 are conveniently located close to the airport entrance, so you have plenty of time to enjoy a cup of coffee or a drink. Parking is €5 for the first 30 minutes - perfect for a quick pick-up.

Advice: To ensure everything runs smoothly, please park in the allocated spaces.The area in front of Arrivals is reserved exclusively for taxis and emergency vehicles. Pick-ups are not permitted in the drop-off area.

View Parking Map > | Book your parking now >

Although the car parks P1 and P2 are situated opposite the Departures Hall, the numbers of the floors do not correspond. So level 2 of the terminal is not the same as level 2 of the car parks. Learn more > 

A few tips for a smooth pick-up

  • Plan your parking level and meeting point in advance.
  • Consider potential traffic delays due to roadworks. View current roadworks >

Meet & Greet in the Arrivals Hall

Reuniting in the Arrivals Hall? Easy! Meet up at the information desk, have a Belgian beer at Hi! Brussels or find other meeting points.

View Arrivals Hall Map >