A short trip to the heart of Bavaria
You'll find the cheapest flights from Brussels Airport to your chosen destination in the overview below. Simply click on the buttons to go to the airline's website to start the booking process.
Look here for when a flight to Munich is the cheapest and book your chance! Hover with your mouse over the graph to look at the exact price for each day.
Munich is often mentioned in the same sentence as the Oktoberfest, the Bavarian Folk Festival. But Munich is a cosy metropolis with many sights. It is perfectly possible to explore the city on foot. In the centre around the Marienplatz are the cathedral and the old town hall, the perfect base for exploring the city. You are within walking distance of great shops and many 'Biergärten'. In these gardens you can go for the famous big beer steins and cold beers. However, take the time to visit the concentration camp of Dachau. Here you get an unforgettable impression of a not so distant past. It’s very easy and affordable to fly from Brussels to Munich!