For who enjoys pristine Armenian mountains and lovely wine
You'll find the cheapest flights from Brussels Airport to your chosen destination in the overview below. Simply click on the buttons to go to the airline's website to start the booking process.
Look here for when a flight to Yerevan is the cheapest and book your chance! Hover with your mouse over the graph to look at the exact price for each day.
Look here for when a flight to Yerevan is the cheapest and book your chance!
Yerevan is one of the oldest cities in Europe. This dynamic city has got something in store for everyone: great culture, nature, shopping, sports, water parks, clubs and bars… Yerevan has about everything! So being bored is not an option. The Hrazdan River and mountains provide unforgettable views. Don't forget to enjoy the amazing food. Book your low-cost airline ticket to Yerevan below and prepare yourself for a weekend full of fun!
Yerevan is only available in the summer season.