Cargo volumes record a 21% growth
165,456 passengers passed through Brussels Airport in February, which corresponds to a mere 10% of the number of passengers in February 2020. The ban on non-essential travel which applies since the end of January has a severe impact on passenger numbers, w1
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Flights with COVID-19 vaccines from Brussels Airport to more than 40 destinations worldwide
Since the end of November, flights to more than 40 destinations have been carried out to distribute Pfizer-BioNTech’s COVID-19 vaccine from our country. This includes shipments via DHL Express and on commercial flights. As the most important hub serving the pharmaceutical industry in Europe1
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283,000 passengers passed through Brussels Airport in January, a decrease by 84%
283,164 passengers passed through Brussels Airport in January, which is a mere 16% of the number of passengers recorded in January 2020. The start of the year was marked by the end of the Christmas holidays in the beginning of the month and by the ban on non-essential travel at the end of the month1
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Skyhall at Brussels Airport to become vaccination centre
As part of the vaccination rollout plan in Belgium, the Skyhall, the iconic former transit hall at Brussels Airport, is set to become the vaccination centre for the residents of the towns of Zaventem, Wezembeek-Oppem and Kraainem. The huge events hall at the airport will be one of the two vaccina1
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Brussels Airport welcomed over 6.7 million passengers in 2020, a 74% decrease - Air cargo up by 2,2%
A total of 6,743,395 passengers passed through Brussels Airport in 2020, down 74% on 2019 which, we would like to remind, was a record year. Unfortunately, the COVID crisis and the travel restrictions had a severe impact on passenger numbers in 2020, despite the very positive growth figures recor1
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Almost 5,000 arriving passengers tested this weekend at Brussels Airport
Now also drive-in Test Centre at the airport
Since 31 December, all Belgian residents who return from a stay of 48 hours or more in a red zone must get tested on day 1 and day 7 upon their arrival and self-quarantine for a week. Last weekend, more than 4,600 of the 15,000 arriving passengers at Br1
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Capacity Test Centre Brussels Airport increases fourfold for testing returning passengers
Thanks to the airport's own Test Centre, which opened its doors in September, Brussels Airport can quickly respond to the government's decision that all Belgian passengers returning from a red zone must be tested upon arrival. Together with the Test Centre partners, Ecolog and Eurofins, t1
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Alyzia SAS is awarded the second licence for the baggage and ramp handling at Brussels Airport
For the next five years, Alyzia will remain active as ground handler at Brussels Airport. Following a European tender process, the French ground handling services supplier was awarded a licence for the baggage and ramp handling of passenger aircraft until October 2025 included. Alyzia is currentl1
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First flights with COVID vaccines worldwide from Brussels Airport successfully completed
The first flights with COVID vaccines from Brussels Airport have been carried out successfully. Since the end of November, 7 flights have already been carried out to further distribute the COVID vaccine from our country. The very first flight with COVID vaccines worldwide departed from Brussels A1
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Just over 233,000 passengers at Brussels Airport in November
Sustained increase in air freight, essential role in COVID vaccine logistics
In November, 233,528 passengers passed through Brussels Airport, representing barely 12% year-on-year. The numerous travel restrictions continue to weaken a sector which is hoping to make a small recovery over the Chris1
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