Maintenance works on runway 07L/25R spread over 8 consecutive weekends


Brussels Airport is beginning maintenance work on runway 07L/25R this weekend. Work will last 8 weeks and take place exclusively during the weekend. The runway is undergoing maintenance to make sure all flight movements can continue safely and efficiently and prolong the runway’s lifespan.

The work will concentrate on the complete replacement of 100 km of runway lighting cables in addition to selected taxiway lights around the runway. The opportunity will also be taken to conduct local repairs on a number of drain pipes and joint fillings, and to overhaul 3 taxiways.

Work will run from the weekend of 20-21st October until the weekend of 8-9th December 2018, and invariably from 6 am on Saturday to 7 pm on Sunday.

The maintenance works will have no impact on passenger or cargo flights. Since runway 07L/25R cannot always be used during the works, preferential runway usage cannot always be adhered to during the weekend.

The works may be stopped in exceptional weather conditions, enabling runway 07L/25R to be reinstated (e.g. in low visibility, snow etc.).