Maintaining jobs at Brussels Airport? In comes Aviato!
Numerous people are on temporary unemployment since March whereas some employers are actively looking to hire. Aviato provides training and information to reconcile supply and demand.
“Initially, the Brussels Airport job house’s mission was to guide jobseekers to the job vacancies at Brussels Airport. The crisis has somewhat changed the game. Several companies saw their activity drop and now have too many employees, whereas other companies are facing staff shortage. Our role now is to bring them together, to reconcile supply and demand. The goal is to keep the know-how and experience at the airport and to work towards sustainable employment”, explains Isabelle Borli, General Manager of Aviato.
To fill vacant positions taking account of the available workforce and keeping the staff at work, in their current job and sector or in a new one, Aviato needs to keep close relations with the different companies present at the airport. To analyse the way they work, centralise data, map the competences and orient workers to job vacancies.
“To make sure the competencies correspond with the job requirements, training is of the essence. And that’s where Aviato Academy and its training catalogue come in. Specific or additional competencies are sometimes required for specific jobs or, simply, to take on a new job in one’s own company. We offer a variety of qualifying training courses, to allow people who wish to do so, to redirect their career”, continues Isabelle Borli.
A new start in a COVID-19 context
According to the experts, we will have to learn to live with the coronavirus for a long period to come. Ceci signifie que les mesures sanitaires doivent continuer à être appliquées afin de freiner la propagation du virus ou d’empêcher une nouvelle flambée de la pandémie. D’autant plus si les voyages pour motifs non-essentiels reprennent. Employeurs, employés, partenaires sociaux et services de prévention ont un rôle de premier plan à jouer. Un module de formation à distance (e-learning) a été mis au point par Aviato Academy afin de préparer les employés et les responsables hiérarchiques à ce nouveau contexte de travail. Et il est gratuit !
Free ‘New Business Start ‘ e-learning
This module is primarily intended for people who, in their capacity of team leader or manager, are expected to see to the safety of their collaborators in their place of work. They will learn everything there is to know about the three golden rules (social distancing, wearing a face mask, hand hygiene) and the sanitary and precautionary measures. E.g., what rule to apply when a collaborator is ill with COVID-19 or returns from a holiday? They will also receive all necessary information on how to rapidly reintegrate after a long absence.
This e-learning is offered for free! Sign up now!
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