Airport Community App

  • All information on your smartphone
  • Help getting passengers on their way
  • Technical jargon explained

The aim of the Airport Operations Plan is to improve all operations at the airport. The Airport Operations Centre (APOC) has already achieved a great deal in this regard. It launched the predictive modulewhich will make predictions so waiting times can be reduced, and HELI, which visualises all this information in a clear way, making is easy to read for employees. Of course, there are many other airport employees outside the APOC who make sure that all these processes run smoothly and are carried out properly. For them, we launched the Airport Community App at the beginning of April.


The Airport Community App has been developed to ensure that the right information is always available at the right time. The demand for an app came from the employees themselves. They wanted a mobile app that shows all the available information on the airport (processes). This means that people no longer need a laptop to check specific flight information and operational decisions can be made more quickly. It also means that they can immediately report a technical failure by sending a photo to the helpdesk without having to make a call.

The app went live for the entire airport community at the beginning of April. The app is mainly aimed at operational staff. For example, it shows on which belt the baggage of arriving flights is being unloaded, and its calendar shows all airport activities, such as planned works, the weekend of Tomorrowland and the start of school holidays. All events that have an impact on the airport’s operation appear on the calendar.


The app is also available to all other Brussels Airport employees. For example, retail staff can use the app to help passengers find the right gate or a particular shop. The app will help them to show passengers the exact location of the gate or shop.

Finally, the app also supports new employees. The app has a page that explains all the airport’s jargon. So if a new employee doesn’t understand something in the first few weeks - or can’t remember what all the acronyms mean - the app will offer a solution. Convenient, right?