Our past shapes our future

  • A streamlined organisation
  • Cooperation between different partners

Over the past year we worked hard with the team on the Airport Operations Plan. Although the launch of the AOP is quite new, the platform is actually the result of a long-term journey within Brussels Airport.

It all began 10 years ago, when our airport became A-CDM certified. For this we created a common platform on which Brussels Airport, handlers, airlines and air traffic controllers could all share information with one another about the progress of a flight.

In 2015 we decided to expand this process even further, because we found that simply sharing all information wasn’t enough. And so the APOC (Airport Operations Centre) was born. In this step we brought all of the partners - both our own employees and the handlers, airlines and our subcontractors - together physically in one place so they could discuss things and make decisions together. A smoother way of communicating, which supports the number one focus on safety and security and makes cooperation much more efficient!

Now Brussels Airport is ready to take a third step: the launch of the AOP, in which we will get the whole organisation involved by 2021 and bring the APOC into the digital age. This will ensure that the various partners at the airport can exchange even more information and insights with one another, as a result of which they will be able to interact with one another even better. Moreover we keep data on everything that takes place at the airport. On the basis of these data in the future we will be able to anticipate situations that haven´t developed yet.